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Analytics & Event Tracking

Vulcan provides an API to add support for multiple analytics and event tracking providers.

Selecting Providers​

Out of the box, Vulcan already supports a few different analytics providers:

  • vulcan:events-ga: Google Analytics (note: currently client-only)
  • vulcan:events-segment: Segment
  • vulcan:events-intercom: Intercom
  • vulcan:events-internal: Internal database-stored event tracking

To use one or more of the existing providers, just add the corresponding package as a dependency (either using meteor add or as a dependency of your own custom package) and then configure any required API keys (check your Settings dashboard for reference).

You can use as many providers as you want simultaneously, and your tracked events will be automatically transmitted to all of them.

Event Tracking​

Once one or more provider is enabled, Vulcan will start transmitting event data, either through automated events that don't require any configuration on your part, or through manual event tracking.

Automated Events​

The following events will happen automatically for every analytics provider (assuming they are supported):

  • init (client only): initialize the provider's code snippet.
  • identify (client/server): identify the current user, if they exists.
  • page (client only): track any page changes.
  • user (server only): track new user creations.

Manual Events​

Additionally, you can also manually track specific events using the track function:

import { track } from 'meteor/vulcan:events';

track('clickedSignUp', { time: new Date(), foo: 'bar' });

track takes three argument: the name of the event (as a string), an optional properties object, and an optional currentUser object which will be used if the current user can't be inferred from the context (for example, you're calling track on the server).

You can call track on either client or server (assuming both versions have been implemented), but note that even though both versions have the same API, they might work differently behind the scenes (see below).

Implementing Other Providers​

To add support for an analytics provider that isn't yet supported by one of the built-in integrations, you can use the following methods (applied here to Segment's client-side JavaScript API). Feel free to refer to one of the existing integrations and copy the same overall structure.

addInitFunction (client only)​

Pass a function that will be called immediately to initialize the provider. For example:

import { addInitFunction, getSetting } from 'meteor/vulcan:events';

function segmentInit() {
!(function() {
var analytics = ( = || []);
snippet code
analytics.SNIPPET_VERSION = '4.0.0';

Note that on the server, initialization will typically happen inside the provider package's own code, which means you don't need to use addInitFunction.

addPageFunction (client only)​

Pass a function taking the current route as argument that will be used to track navigation to a new page:

import { addPageFunction } from 'meteor/vulcan:events';

function segmentTrackPage(route) {
const { name, path } = route;
const properties = {
url: Utils.getSiteUrl().slice(0, -1) + path,
};, name, properties);
return {};

In a single-page web app, the concept of "page" only makes sense on the client which is why the addPageFunction function doesn't do anything on the server.

addIdentifyFunction (client and server)​

Pass a function taking the current currentUser as argument that will be used to identify users:

import { addIdentifyFunction } from 'meteor/vulcan:events';

function segmentIdentify(currentUser) {, {
pageUrl: currentUser.pageUrl,

addTrackFunction (client and server)​

Pass a function that takes an event name and event properties:

import { addTrackFunction } from 'meteor/vulcan:events';

function segmentTrack(eventName, eventProperties) {
analytics.track(eventName, eventProperties);

Note that track can have different implementations on the client and server. For example, the vulcan:events-internal package's client version of track will trigger a GraphQL mutation, while the server version will mutate the data directly. Or, the client version of vulcan:events-segment will use an in-browser JavaScript snippet while the server version will use Segment's Node API via an NPM package.

addUserFunction (server)​

Pass a function that takes a user object:

import { addUserFunction } from 'meteor/vulcan:events';

function intercomNewUser(user) {
custom_attributes: {
name: user.displayName,
profileUrl: Users.getProfileUrl(user, true),
_id: user._id,