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You can configure the following settings in your settings.json file.


If you've got the debug package enabled, a settings debugging UI is available at


You can call Vulcan.showSettings() in your meteor shell to get a quick overview of all settings, or go to /settings if you have the vulcan:debug package enabled.

Public Settings​

These settings are defined on the public property, meaning they will be shared with the client.

Global Settings​

title"My Vulcan Site"Your site's title
siteUrl""Your site's main URL
tagline"The best site ever!"Your site's tagline or description
language"en"Your site's language

Social Settings​

twitterAccount"TelescopeApp"Your main twitter account (without the "@")
facebookPage""Your Facebook page URL
googleAnalyticsId"UA-123456-9"Your Google Analytics code

Server Settings​

These settings are defined at the root of the settings object, (or optionally on the private property), and kept on the server.

Global Settings​

mailUrl"smtp://"The SMTP URL used by your email provider

MailGun Note: For username use your Default SMTP Login and for password use Default Password. See screenshot below.

OAuth Settings​

You can use the settings file to store your oAuth configurations:

"oAuth": {
"twitter": {
"consumerKey": "foo",
"secret": "bar"
"facebook": {
"appId": "foo",
"secret": "bar"
"github": {
"clientId": "foo",
"secret": "bar"

Don't forget to add the matching meteor package, e.g. accounts-twitter, accounts-facebook, accounts-github etc.


You can optionally register a new setting with registerSetting(name, defaultValue, description). This is optional, but it will let your setting be displayed on the /settings route and when calling Vulcan.showSettings().

Note that registerSetting also both works with nested settings objects (e.g. registerSetting('newsletter.frequency', [1,3,5], 'Newsletter frequency')).


To retrieve a setting, just call getSetting(settingName). If no setting has been assigned in settings.json, the default value assigned through registerSetting will be used (if it exists).

Just like registerSetting, getSetting also works with nested settings objects (e.g. getSetting('newsletter.frequency')).