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Internationalization (i18n)

next-i18next latest versionโ€‹

Next.js and its ecosystem has made a lot of progress regarding i18n while we were coding VulcanNext. We currently use the latest version of next-i18next package. Its role is to handle the loading of the right translation files depending on the user current locale.

I18n is a very vast subject, if you need more advanced features, check Next.js documentation, it's complete and well written.

You can tweak the configuration to fit your need, see the file named next-i18next.config.js.

No automated redirectโ€‹

As a default, we disable automated i18n redirect. So a French user accessing / will still see the page in English. You need to redirect those user manually to /fr.

We think that this setup is more consistent, but don't hesitate to tweak the i18n config in next-i18next.config.js.

Lang and dir in the custom _documentโ€‹

lang attribute is set automatically by Next.js on <html> during server-render/static-render. dir attribute (rtl or ltr for right-to-left and left-to-right languages) is set based on the current locale.