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Reuse Fire logic in an Express endpoint

Fire core logic doesn't really depend on GraphQL.

mutator functions are actually reusable in any Express application in a few easy steps. They are exposed by the @vulcanjs/crud/server package.

In an Express middleware:

  • Call createMutator, updateMutator or deleteMutator (check API docs for their full). You'll need to pass the currentUser. If there is no current user, for instance if you use a mutator in a seed script, instead use the asAdmin option and the validate option.

  • Use Mongoose to get data

You can optionnaly pass the GraphQL context to a mutator, though it should not be needed anymore:

  • Optionnaly generate the context. This is the same context that is used in GraphQL resolvers. This concept is less common outside of the GraphQL ecosystem, but still perfectly relevant.
  • Generate dataSources as well
  • Then you can use a mutator as you would do when creating a custom resolver, and pass it the context and dataSources.